L’école du numérique 2016 a eu lieu à Nice les 30 et 31 Mai sur le Campus de St Jean d’Angely à l’université Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Programme :

Session 1 : Digital platforms and competition

  • Medhi FARAJALLAH, Bob HAMMOND, Thierry PENARD, “What Drives Pricing Behavior in Peer-to-Peer Markets? Evidence from the Car-Sharing Platform BlaBlaCar
  • Marc BOURREAU, Bernard CAILLAUD, Romain DE NIJS, “Taxation of a Monopolist Digital Platform
  • Germain GAUDIN, Alexander WHITE, “On the Antitrust economics of the electronic books industry
Session 2 : Digital networks
  • Maude HASBI, “Private Operators’ Entry Strategies in the FttH Market – The Case of France
  • Raphaël SUIRE, « Contournement, déconnexion, aliénation : les nouvelles figures de la fracture numérique »
  • Adel BEN YOUSSEF, Leila BEN-AOUN PELLETIER, “Does Internet Speed Matters?

Session 3. Crowdfunding 1

  • Irina LYUBAREVA, Fabrice ROCHELANDET, « Le crowdfunding au secours de la presse…ou pas »
  • Sylvain DEJEAN, « Géographie et Crowdfunding »
  • Sophie POMMET, Alexandra RUFINI, Dominique TORRE, “Crowdfunding and social networks

Session 4 : Mobile payment

  • Yann BALGOBIN, David BOUNIE, Martin QUINN, Patrick WAELBROECH, “Payment instruments, financial privacy and online purchase
  • Mamourou SIDI KONATE, Dominique TORRE, “Mobile Payment, Microfinance, and the optimal level of Informal Sector in developing countries
  • Maëlle DELLA PERUTA, “Mobile money adoption and financial inclusion objective: macroeconomic approach through cluster analysis

Session 5 : Network, investment and entry

  • Thomas LE TEXIER, Thierry PENARD, “Access quality in two-sided platform: the role of integration”,
  • Jean-Marc ZOGHEIB, “Merger control and entry incentives: the case of cross-border mergers

Session 6 : Privacy concerns

  • Grazia CECERE, Fabrice LE GUEL, Nessrine OMRANI, “Why individuals do not read privacy?”
  • Nicolas SOULIE, Nessrine OMRANI, « L’impact de la culture sur la conception et les inquiétudes en matière de vie privée en ligne »
  • Grazia CECERE, Fabrice LE GUEL, Mathieu MANANT, “Giving up your privacy for free services: are you comfortable with it?
  • Amel ATTOUR, Nathalie DUBUS, “A cross country analysis of privacy concerns and trust in intelligent transport system

Session 7 : Consumers’ behaviour

  • Marlene LE KIM, Julien PENIN, “The role of online communities and cultural middlegrounds in creativity: the case of alternative pornography
  • Nestor DUCH-BROWN, Lukasz GRZYBOWSKI, Frank VERBOVEU, “The impact of online sales on consumers and firms- Evidence from household appliances
  • Adnane KENDEL, Nathalie LAZARIC, Kevin MARECHAL, “Learning by looking in energy field : Results from a consumer field in Southern France

Session 8 : Crowdfunding 2

  • Jordana VIOTTO, “Beyond financing: crowdfunding as an informational mechanism
  • Grazia CECERE, Frédéric MAHE, Fabrice ROCHELANDET “Cutting the cord? An empirical examination for information sources in crowdfunding
  • Jonathan SITRUK, “Categorization and success of crowdfunding projects

Session 9 : Patents, competition and contacts

  • Marc BOURREAU, Rafael C. de M. FERRAZ, Yann MENIERE “Licensing Standard Essential Patents with Costly Enforcement”
  • Arrah-Marie JO, « L’intensité de la concurrence et la cybersécurité »
  • Ambre NICOLLE, “Cognitive limitations or risk aversion? Tariff choice and consumption of cellular data

Session 10. Digital innovation, big data and capabilities

  • Eric DARMON, Nicolas POUSSING, Thomas LE TEXIER, « PME, webmarketing et “big data” »
  • Samy GUESMI, « Trajectoires d’adoption et d’appropriation du web 2.0 dans les systèmes d’information organisationnels »
  • Rémy GUICHARDAZ, “Music Industry intermediation in the digital era, the resilience of the music majors oligopoly: the role of transactional capabilities in a dynamic model

Session 11. ICT, innovation and business models

  • François DELTOUR, Sébastien LE GALL, Virginie LETHIAIS, “Do ICTs facilitate the mobilization of resources for innovation: the case of small and medium firms
  • Thierry RAYNA, Ludmila STRIUKOVA, « Dynamiques d’adoption et de diffusion des technologies d’impression 3D : quels impacts sur les modèles d’affaires ? »